Thursday, August 5, 2010

Solid session

This is what was staring back at me this morning when I got in the car to take the kids to school. I wouldn't think much of it if I was going to come straight home, but that was not the case. Today's session involved a rectangular object which held gallons upon gallons of water. Good thing though that it was sunny, so that made up for it in a way.

We had a couple of regulars missing due to illness (gotta love winter), and their presence was missed. However, those that remained kicked out some awesome sessions. Mel, did a whopping 2km session. 2000m from someone who not that long ago thought that she would struggle with 300m and now she had energy to burn after 2k. I am proud of you Mel - well done. That deserves a gold medal award:
My session today was a little varied once again. What is that saying "variety is the spice of life". I think swimming is one of those sports where you have to keep on trying to mix it up a bit because a) you can run the risk of it becoming stale/boring, and b) by not challenging yourself with other strokes or varying distances you wont really see a big improvement. I don't want either to happen, I have too much riding on this. Big dreams lay ahead and I want to give it my all. This is what I did today:
  • 500m Fr/s warm up
  • 12 x 50m Fr/s with 45 sec rest. I did them all on about 35 secs
  • 300m kick with flippers. (50m Fr/s, 50m Fly)
  • 4 x 100m IM with 40 secs rest
  • 200m Bk/s
  • 200m Fr/s finger trailing
  • 300m cooldown
I feel strong, now I have to transfer that strength to my legs. I shouldn't complain, they are feeling stronger too. I can now do the single leg bridges which about 10 days ago I couldn't - so that means I am gaining strength there too. But I would be happier if things would mend a bit quicker.


  1. You need to find a pool with a roof!

  2. I think it's cool you swim outside when it is so cold!

  3. Suddenly I'm very glad I only run! Was 4°C this morning on my run and I was sweating. You are strong!

  4. So excited for you! That was a great set in the pool and I am really happy for you that you are feeling so well. Hope it just keeps getting better and better... :-) If you need more warmth, you could come visit us in the Utah desert!

  5. Flatout Jim: I only go to the indoor pool if this one has a busted heater, or it's extremely windy or there is lightening. i love seeing the sky when I swim.

    Kovas: Thanks. I think having swum for years as a child in all sorts of weather conditions has made me a bit tough.

    Johann: Strong, I wish. Thanks for the compliment :)

    Jarvis: Thankyou Sarah. One day when I have heaps of money I may just take you up on that offer :)

  6. Great swim session Barbara, great to hear that your legs are improving too! Hope you can get back to running soon.



I am so happy you have stopped by. You have made my day.

Your hard work will be rewarded.

"The path to a dream is paved with sacrifices and lined with determination. And though it has many stumbling blocks along the way, and may go in more than one direction, it is travelled by belief and courage and conquered with a willingness to face challenges and take chances" Barbara Cage