Friday, December 10, 2010


Baby steps forward, that's what I have been taking since my last blogpost. No activity has been the flavour of the week, and might I say - although I was quite down in dulldrums, I have since tried to focus on the pleasures to be had by not trying to squeeze in a workout whilst tired. I am refuelling the mind with comforting words from many sources (friend and literature alike) and the body with fresh fruit and vegies and a bucket load of the good stuff H2O.

I have taken walks through my garden, and although at first my steps felt dull and lifeless due to fatigue.
The beauty to be had brightened my perspective immensely.

I mean look at the little guy. Working tirelessly - fleeting from one flower to another with one goal in mind. Talk about devotion and dedication to a cause. Lesson to be learnt from this little individual.

I also got to focus on writing some Chrissy cards on these beautiful little cards sent to me from Kirsten at paperbyforgetmenot. How cute are they!!! Kirsten is so gifted and talented - make sure you check out all her wares. Thankyou, your a gem.

During this downtime I also got to focus on my nutrition and have been eating really well. But I still think I need help - so I have enlisted the help of a Sports Nutritionist. I really need someone to hold my hand and guide for me a couple of weeks atleast so I understand exactly what, when, how and why of what I should be eating to get the most out of everyday.

Look forward to meeting up with Rebecca on Monday. Should be an eye opener. From now until then I have to fill out a food diary so she can see my daily intake and exercise regime. I wonder what she will say.

Barb's mind is back on track.

Your hard work will be rewarded.

"The path to a dream is paved with sacrifices and lined with determination. And though it has many stumbling blocks along the way, and may go in more than one direction, it is travelled by belief and courage and conquered with a willingness to face challenges and take chances" Barbara Cage