I am pleased to announce that my cycling is getting better. I can now cycle 25km in one hit, 20km more than my last blog. It was true about the 3 days a week thing, it does work. Obviously not working as fast as I would like it to (impatient me), but I am making progress.
I have invested in a pair of cycling pants, you know the padded bum ones! They feel great on when your cycling, as for walking - well I feel kinda like a 2yr old when they need a nappy change. Its hard to walk and take yourself seriously. When I first put them on and looked in the mirror I was wondering who the "Oompa Loompa" was looking back at me. But, they are not worn for fashion, comfort is the number one goal. And they work to a degree. I still think my nether regions need to toughen up a bit, or I need to stop whinging.
My best friend Susan has recently purchased herself a road bike and is now riding with me. I love the company and it makes the time go by so quickly. She gives me the push that I need to keep going when my legs feel like giving up. Thank God for best friends, that all I can say. I must admit though, she makes it look so much easier. When I watch her she makes it look effortless and my hope is that one day I too will look that way, or atleast learn to stop contorting my face in such a fashion that you can tell from a mile away that I am in pain.
Another lesson I have learnt is to keep your mouth somewhat closed when cycling. I do believe I have now swallowed a 1/4 cup of gnats and numerous flies. Great way to get protein on the run....BLAH. I will stick to protein bars thanks.
So as I ponder my next ride this coming Friday, I shall set myself a goal of going out onto the open road. Not far, just the length of the Regatta Centre and back and then continue with the rest of the ride. I want to try something a bit different and vary the course up a bit. Keep the excitement level up high.
Oh by the way, I am also attending a bike riding skills class tonight for women. I really need to understand my gears better. Will keep you all posted as to how it went.