Sunday, August 22, 2010

What a glorious day.

Today just couldn't get any more magnificent - blue skies, slight breeze, deliciously warm sun and the beckoning of the M7 bike track - which of course I heeded. How could I pass up an opportunity to ride, on what I can only be classed as the best Winter's day ever. Mel and I decided to just ride with no particular destination only that at the 45 minute mark we were to turnaround and head back.

So off we set chatting along the way and when some of the hills required less talk that is what we did too. It's not that the hills are hugely steep they are just a constant gradual incline to the point that your wondering when you will finally reach the top. The good thing is that once you reach the top there is always a decline, and boy - do I let it rip. I love the feeling of freedom I get as the wind is whooshing past my ears, I feel so alive. But I am sure those thoughts could quickly change should I get the wobbles.

As I pedalled strongly, I continued to play with the gears up hill and down hill to get a really good feel of all the different ranges this beautiful Aliyah has. And even though I felt some of those inclines in my quads - I know I would have felt them more on my flat bar roadie. Clicking in and out of the cleats feels like second nature, I don't even find myself thinking of it as I come to a stop. So in my mind this means this bike and I were meant to be.

The one thing I can't find myself getting used to is the pain in the nether regions. At what point is this meant to feel better? Any ideas of time frame would be much appreciated. I keep hearing the more time spent in the saddle the easier it will get, but heck - it hurts.

But I won't complain too much, today was a great day. We covered 26km - so not a great distance but this was Mel's first time of the bike track. Next time we go for longer - can't wait.


Yesterday was a day that I will remember forever for many reasons. Firstly I got to have my first short ride with 'Aliyah'. I must admit I was extremely nervous, and if I had to pinpoint the reasons why, I think it was because:
  1. She is brand spanking new.
  2. I was taking her out the road.
  3. What happens if I couldn't clip out of my pedals on time.
  4. The whole gear thing is new to me
  5. What if, what if, what if........
So the only way I know to get rid of nerves is to just stop procrastinating and just do it. So on went the shoes and out the door I stepped for my first momentous ride. I clipped my right foot in and started on my merry way and found that the left foot found it's position really easily - I didn't even get the 'death wobbles' in the process. And as I continued to pedal away, I quickly realised that this bike was awesome. Even on my bumpy bitumen road she was smooth - or maybe I was just so enamored that I just didn't pay attention, highly likely.

As I continued on the 8km home loop I once again was faced with the infamous hill and knew that at some point I was going to have to figure out my gears - so I probably had about 500m to do so. I remember Macca at Panther's Cycles saying "be confident when changing gears, give them a good tap", which is what I did and I got it mastered - no probs. The hill still felt challenging but I don't know, something made me feel invincible, and even though I was panting harder than any canine I know, I made it up the hill with Aliyah.

On the home stretch I decided to go and vote so I stopped by home and thought to myself I will just get dressed and drive back up. What was I thinking? I have a brand new bike that is beckoning to be ridden, so I got back on and rode up only to realise half way that I forgot my ID - so back home I went. Back up the hill I went and to the local public school to vote in Australia's most messed up election ever - well that's my opinion. When I got to the school I felt like a movie star - 4 volunteers (guys) where drooling over Aliyah. I couldn't take her in with me so I entrusted her to one - but made sure I gave him the look of you 'touch you suffer serious consequences'.

All in all as I was riding home I kept thinking, this has got to be the best bike ever made. The colour's are to die for, she is so light and I can't hear anything that is out of place. Just silence. She is awesome.

Today was also memorable because I got to meet Amanda, misszippy and her gorgeous family after her 35km bush run in the mountains. I wouldn't have missed this opportunity for anything in the world.
As Amanda ran passed me I yelled out "Go Amanda" so she could see I was right there, cheering her on. When she finished and had her timing chip taken off and she had a drink , she walked over and I gave her a big hug to welcome her to Australia, for finishing such a tough race, and for being a great bloggersphere friend.

We had a great afternoon spent chatting over some yummy coffee's and hot chocolates, whilst our kids - who got on like a house on fire, enjoyed hot chocolates and spiders (like a root beer float). This will be forever etched in my mind as a wonderful memory. Can't wait to do it all again, only next time I will be in the States. I hope you have a wonderful and safe trip back home Amanda and family.
What a day. I am happy.

Your hard work will be rewarded.

"The path to a dream is paved with sacrifices and lined with determination. And though it has many stumbling blocks along the way, and may go in more than one direction, it is travelled by belief and courage and conquered with a willingness to face challenges and take chances" Barbara Cage