I can't even begin to explain how blessed I feel. Lucky that my life has panned out the way it has and that I have gone through everything I have gone through. Touched to know that I have so many wonderful friends and who despite my many crazy antics still love me to bits. Enriched with numerous possibilities to make the most of my life and great family and friends who stand by my side wanting only ever the best for me.
Yesterday at track was most possibly (along with every other great achievement for me that I have chronicled) the single most enlightening and fulfilling experience to date. How is it that things just seem to keep getting better. I never NeVeR NEVER, have felt such a greater sense of pride in my accomplishments and can't believe that I am doing any of it. I have never questioned my swimming ability, and the bike well - it is coming along nicely. However the run has been the one thing that has really tested everything. It has tested my faith in myself, my overall ability, my determination and most of all - grit.
But after yesterdays performance at track I really no longer have to question any of it at all. I have been told by my best friend Susan that I have to proclaim to the world that "I am a comfortable 5min/km pace runner". No longer am I allowed to hide behind my fear or intimidation, no longer am I allowed to doubt my abilities. I am to wear this badge of honour with pride and know that I have worked for every ounce of that title. But I have to say - that having one of my best friends there at track giving me support and a good idea on pacing made it that much easier.
So, last night the main set was 16 x 400's - coming in on 2mins and leaving on 2:15. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and felt sick to my stomach. Susan had to do 10 as she had to leave early but she kept me on track for those 10. Then after that it was all up to me. Up to me to time myself and feel the rhythm of how we had been running. Here were my splits as per my Garmin:
- 1:54
- 1:54
- 1:56
- 1:55
- 1:54
- 1:56
- 1:53
- 1:53
- 1:55
- 1:52
- 1:53
- 1:56
- 1:55
- 1:54
- 1:56
- 1:54
So needless to say I was on such a high when I got home, I could hardly sleep and it was close to midnight before my eyes succumbed to the droopy lid. Then today, to make things even better still, my article in the 220Triathlon Magazine Aus/NZ edition made it to the stands. Actually I think it made it earlier in the week but I just couldn't find it. When I finally got a copy in my hot little hands - a grin the size of the Cheshire cats grin overwhelmed my face. I am sure people were staring at me as I walked aimlessly with the magazine open and a huge grin but I didn't care. I was on cloud 9. now I am not sure how to attach this as a PDF but if you would like a copy to be able to read just email me and I can send you the PDF.
Now it is time for me to hit the sack as I have had an absolutely massive day and night. I went to see a friend at the Velodrome - stay tuned. His story to come.