Friday, June 1, 2012

Leaps and bounds

I am feeling FANTASTIC. Really, truly I am. I could very much head out the door on a slow jog for a few (well maybe 2) kilometres and know that it wouldn't hurt. It is such a good feeling to know that the healing process is well and truly under way and that I can now feel really positive about moving forward. And I know that I still have to take it easy, but I must admit I have to remind myself quite regularly that I have had surgery some 15 days ago. 

It takes every bit of self restraint to not pick up the laundry basket full of clothes to take out to the clothes line, or vacuum the carpet. And whilst I would normally beg and plead to have help when I am able to do it, now that I cannot - I want to do it all myself. And so whilst I feel frustrated about "said situation" - I shall walk. Walk, and walk and walk like Forrest Gump. So much so I have this week walked 17km. And it has made me very happy indeed.

When I am exercising I am ALIVE. It's true what they say about exercise and endorphins " Endorphins are the body’s natural feel good chemicals, and when they are released through exercise, your mood is boosted naturally" - Natural Therapies Pages. After every walk - actually pretty soon after starting I feel fantastic. I soon forget about the fact that at this moment I am limited in what I can do and start focusing on the things that I can do. And I can WALK, and pretty fast too I might add. I put my headphones on and I am off, nothing is holding me back.

So still having this weekend ahead of me, I am looking forward to a couple more walks should the weather hold up. Looks like we have a few rain clouds starting to brew. And if the heavy rain decides to start then I guess I am starting a new form of the "Clothesline Diet" - the "Verandah Diet". Please Mother Nature - save me from getting dizzy.

Fingers crossed I get the all clear next Friday at the Doc's. 

Fingers crossed everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear you've moved on from 'small steps' to 'leaps and bounds' !!! Although this time is frustrating, it's what your body needs to repair, and a full recovery will lead to a fantastic result at Yeppoon!


I am so happy you have stopped by. You have made my day.

Your hard work will be rewarded.

"The path to a dream is paved with sacrifices and lined with determination. And though it has many stumbling blocks along the way, and may go in more than one direction, it is travelled by belief and courage and conquered with a willingness to face challenges and take chances" Barbara Cage