Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Welcome to my "WooHoo"

I am all for keeping my experiences real hence writing this blog. But I also wanted a way to display my accomplishments so everytime I faltered in my belief I would just have to look at it and know that "I did it". My WooHoo board is my way of feeling proud of all that I have done. I know that I will have this board filled by the end of the year and when I can no longer fit another thing on it I will make another. Setting goal after goal keeps me going. Its what makes me realise that I can and will succeed at all that I set my mind to do.

How do you guys display your bibs? How do you commemorate your accomplishments?


  1. bibs go in a box, medals (that is if they are giving them out to everyone) I usually give to Ian. He displays them off his curtain rod.

    The woohoo wall is epic.

  2. ...great....I was thinking also about that....but trowed all the past races to garbage! :-(...using my blog is also good to remember...

    Cheers from Hong Kong!!

    "XTB" Xavi.

  3. Patrick: Ian would absolutely love that. I am sure he is so super proud of you. I think my WooHoo wall is awesome too :)

    Xavi: I agree the blog is a great way to remember.I just like having something I can see all the time as I have it in my rumpus room.

  4. THis is a great idea, my bibs are all oner the place, my medals are hanging proudly throughout the house, I move them so often, and rumour has it that they make it downstairs and hanging in plain site for all to see when company comes over, I HAVE NO CLUE HOW THAT HAPPENS!!!! *looking away*

  5. BDD: I can just imagine what your house looks like. Medals hanging off every curtain rod :) I like that. I need to put all my swimming trophies up on display, they are all in a cupboard - what a shame.


I am so happy you have stopped by. You have made my day.

Your hard work will be rewarded.

"The path to a dream is paved with sacrifices and lined with determination. And though it has many stumbling blocks along the way, and may go in more than one direction, it is travelled by belief and courage and conquered with a willingness to face challenges and take chances" Barbara Cage