Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Better late than never.

Last Sunday was the day I was meant to conquer the Bondi to Bronte. Hmmmm, well that did not happen. Why? It's quite simple really - I got scared and freaked out. And I'm okay with it.

I didn't start off scared. I was really excited about wearing my new Bondi to Bronte cossie. I was even excited when we got to the beach. But that excitement soon changed as the wind started to pick up quite ferociously and the ocean started to get choppy. I could feel my anxiety levels start to pick up dramatically and no matter how hard I tried to squash them with positive affirmations - I just couldn't get over it.

Believe me I flitted from "I'm going to do it" to "No way, I'm outta here" more times than I would like to count. My cap went on and off equally as many times - but when push came to shove and it was time for the black caps to line up - the first thought that came out of my mouth was "I'm not doing it". And so it was there that my day ended.

So anyway, here is a very brief montage of my experience:
That is all.


  1. I spoke with a friend, and experienced ocean swimmer, who did it the other day & she said you made the right decision. It was yuk out there (my words, not hers!)

    I'm really proud of you for not only making the decision and for being ok with that. My mentor describes that as a strategic withdrawal. Assess the situation & if the risk is too high or you aren't comfortable with proceeding, then the right thing to do is to withdraw & live to fight the battle another day :) xxx

  2. Thanks Jen. I was a mixed bag of emotion that day before the race. I thought, do I - Don't I. Do you run the risk of going in and having another Yeppoon moment or do you take ownership and make it before it happens again.

    I felt much better once I made the call.It will happen xxx

  3. It was even pretty crappy in Melbourne, so I don't blame you!!
    I was running, and there was surf in the bay... and it's normally as flat as glass!!


I am so happy you have stopped by. You have made my day.

Your hard work will be rewarded.

"The path to a dream is paved with sacrifices and lined with determination. And though it has many stumbling blocks along the way, and may go in more than one direction, it is travelled by belief and courage and conquered with a willingness to face challenges and take chances" Barbara Cage