Friday, July 15, 2011

And the countdown begins

With 30 days to go till Yeppoon it is time to start the official countdown. I did it with Port 70.3 and so the trend shall continue for Yeppoon. Thirty days out from Port I was almost having a conniption. I think 30 days out I got a sinus infection that almost made me feel like my head was going to implode. But, 30 days out from Yeppoon and there is no sinus infection in sight - knock on wood. Thirty days out I was questioning my ability to get through the race at Port - but 30 days out from Yeppoon I am not - even though I have had a few hiccups along the way.

It is quite exciting feeling the change within me. Having never been an overly confident individual in my abilities, more so I tend to underestimate and down play what I am capable of, I feel really excited about heading to Yeppoon. It is almost as though I am relaxed. There is no stress, no drama, just a knowing that this race is going to be fun. I am really looking forward to the warmer weather too. The cold is driving me nuts.

And talk about cold. Wednesday was absolutely atrocious. I think Penrith recorded it's coldest day in like 20 something years. It didn't hit much above 8 degrees celsius the whole day. I was meant to do an outdoor ride but being school holidays and all it made it impossible. My youngest stayed home with me whilst my twins headed off to play mini golf with their buddies. On the return home from dropping them off - Kyle and I hired some DVD's and a PS3 game and some lunch. I then set to doing an indoor trainer ride.
And then "Hey Presto" I wasn't cold anymore. If anything I was dripping in sweat in no time at all. Loved it. i felt nice and strong too. But nothing beat how I felt yesterday in the pool. I did my 500m TT in 7:12. My aim is to get closer to the 7min mark and to hold that pace in an open water setting too. God know's I am not the best open water swimmer. Oh well, just another thing to focus on and to get better at. That's the great thing about this sport - there is always something to improve on - with 3 sports rolled into one it's inevitable.

I have also continued to stay quite focused on my diet and have managed to put weight back on - which is good. I had continued to lose weight after Port and felt probably not as good physically so I feel much better now that I am at my ideal weight. Another good thing about focusing on your diet is that you get to experiment with your meals and get adventurous.
What delicious healthy meals have you come up with this week?


  1. 8 degrees??? Brrrr! I don't miss those cold temps at all!! Way to go with your trainer ride! :)

  2. You're a star! When I grow up I want to be just like you!
    You're going to rock it!


I am so happy you have stopped by. You have made my day.

Your hard work will be rewarded.

"The path to a dream is paved with sacrifices and lined with determination. And though it has many stumbling blocks along the way, and may go in more than one direction, it is travelled by belief and courage and conquered with a willingness to face challenges and take chances" Barbara Cage