Monday, August 9, 2010

Yesterdays ride in a pretty picture

How cool is this site. I always wondered how other people got these fantastic images of the ride they have done, and now I have my very own. When I had a look at the data it said it was a 6% incline which means nothing to me. All I know is when I stand at the beginning of this hill and look up it's pretty high. Enough that if I was driving I need to drop the car to a lower gear - enough said.


  1. I'll have to check that out, very cool!

  2. Kovas: it's awesome. Made me feel invincible when I saw how high the graph went.

  3. good info! a new toy-website to play with!,

  4. I just checked this out. Way too cool. I'll be playing with this all the time.

  5. valen: Yep, I am always trying to find something new.

    Flatout Jim: Glad I could be of assistance. I thought most people knew about this.


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