Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Take 2 on the run.

Today was another brilliant day. Brilliant because it was another glorious pain free running day. I find it amazing how I have healed up. I thought this was going to be a more drawn out process and that my body would struggle with the return back to running but this old gal is holding strong. I still stuck to the 6 x 1 minute runs with a 4 minute walk period inbetween and I did a total of 5km in about 37 minutes.

My route is a mix of flats and some inclines which off course is followed by declines but there is always something beautiful to look at near home. Country living is awesome. The air is always so crisp and clean and the sounds of cows, goats, dogs barking in the distance (oh wait - are they my dogs?) is always a welcome distraction. As for traffic, not too bad really. Maybe one car every couple of minutes drives past, that is until I hit the busier more used road at the top and then it's like "watch yourself".

But once again I finished up feeling nice and strong, a little tight but nothing my usual stretching wouldn't help. Then last night I did my usual strength workout.

  • 20 back swings both legs
  • 20 side swings both legs
  • 20 backward lunges both legs
  • 20 butt raises
3 x 15 of each with 3kg dumbells:
  • Lateral raises
  • Bicep curls
  • Shoulder press
  • Tricep extensions
3 x 20 of each:
  • ab crunches
  • bicycle crunches
  • sit ups with 3kg dumbell
Then 3 x 1min plank.

It s a great workout and I finish feel totally had, but I love it. Tomorrow is pool time. Will go with the kids again and whilst they play I want to get in a 1500m straight swim. I have entered a virtual Triathlon and step one is to do a 1500m swim in the fastest time possible. Here goes.


  1. perhaps the only one happier than me that running is getting back on track for you is you. Awesome...

  2. Patrick: so glad to hear your sharing in my excitement. Tis' such a sweet feeling.

  3. Great to hear you are running pain free! Our bodies are amazing. Happy training!


I am so happy you have stopped by. You have made my day.

Your hard work will be rewarded.

"The path to a dream is paved with sacrifices and lined with determination. And though it has many stumbling blocks along the way, and may go in more than one direction, it is travelled by belief and courage and conquered with a willingness to face challenges and take chances" Barbara Cage