Monday, April 19, 2010

Sign up or shut up.

Entries open May 1st and I must admit, everytime I say the words "Half Ironman", my stomach does a back flip. The 70.3 Ironman is held a year to the day of Registration Opening Day and I am already jumping WAY ahead of myself and thinking about the day. Probably not a bad idea as visualizing race day has been shown to enhance performance. I found this article and thought you might like : "Visualization for Sports Performance". I will definately add this to my repertoire of things to do in the year to come.

So as I sit here typing I have started to make mental notes of all the things I will need to help me with my training and the more I think the more I realise I actually need a notebook and pen. My mind will not accomodate such an expanding list. It's scary actually, it ranges from Tri Bars, better runners, wetsuit, bike trainer, warmer bike clothes, warmer running clothes etc etc etc. What is a girl to do? I have an idea - beg, borrow and plead. That always works.

Nevermind, Rome wasn't built in a day!!!!!


  1. If you sign up, you are no longer working out but training, if you have a well structured plan you can do it. Good luck on your decision.

  2. I am definately doing it - no if's or but's about it. Just waiting to hear back from the coach with my training schedule.Once that schedule is in my hands "thats it" :)

  3. You are going to be fantastic, I already know! This is amazing and this is my dream someday too. My boyfriend has done Iron Man and I admire his stretch. You can totally conquer too! :) Thanks for finding my blog through DailyMile, I look forward to reading your journey! :)

  4. Thankyou so much for joining my journey. It is so nice to have you on here.This last year has been a wonderful journey and I look forward to what the next year has to bring.


I am so happy you have stopped by. You have made my day.

Your hard work will be rewarded.

"The path to a dream is paved with sacrifices and lined with determination. And though it has many stumbling blocks along the way, and may go in more than one direction, it is travelled by belief and courage and conquered with a willingness to face challenges and take chances" Barbara Cage