Monday, April 12, 2010

Sad, sad news.

On Saturday just gone as I headed out for my bike ride, a pack of 4 cyclists got hit by a truck on the M4 motorway. One of the gentleman got killed instantly and the other 3 got injured terribly. Such a sad time for their families. I was not aware of what had unfolded as I turned onto the motorway and saw police lights flashing in my rear view mirror some distance behind me but when I found out yesterday it made me sick to my stomach. I had passed the truck in question on my left and remember seeing the driver and there was police everywhere. This makes me very scared about road roading now.

Yesterday, as my husband was returning from the shops he said he was watching a cyclist on the other side of the road and out of nowhere a car collided with him and sent him flying off his bike. He quickly stopped the car with a whole heap of other people and ran over to the gentleman who was getting himself to his feet. An ambulance was called, luckily the gentleman was ok. These two incidents not only have me scared but also my husband and mum, who now would not like me road riding. Not because they don't trust me, but because they don't trust others. Fair enough.

So yesterday, Stephen and I drove to the M7 motorway bike track and I think this is where I will have to do my training. I think it is 40km one way and 40km back. Better than nothing, it has hills and stretches of flat road and it is away from the motorway totally. This not only makes me feel safer but my husband and mum as well.

RIP Mr Williams. And to the other cyclists, may your injuries heal. I will pray for you all.


  1. Barbie, I am thinking a lot about that and is not good...I am going to buy my bike trainer and a nice software to play with and do almost all my bike rides at home...safer, safer and safer!! and I will go on the orest with my mountain bike....accidents there are less dangerous!!

    Cheers from Hong Kong!

    "XTB" Xavi.

  2. Barbara, Darryl also passed this with much sadness and it sent chills up my spine. We also passed another bike rider down yesterday outside Penrith Golf club, looked like he had been hit but was sitting up but with obvious injuries. Its close to home, be safe when you ride. Tracy x

  3. Xavi, sounds like a great idea. I too would like to buy a bike trainer and stay at home on the odd occasion when it is too cold or raining. I will ride safely on bike tracks designated soley for cyclists.

    Tracy:I will definately stay safe. Stephen witnessed the accident outside the golf club along with a whole heap of others. He said he could see it unfolding from the other side of the road.He is very scared for me. I will try my hardest to be safe and only stick to the Regatta or the M7 bike track.


I am so happy you have stopped by. You have made my day.

Your hard work will be rewarded.

"The path to a dream is paved with sacrifices and lined with determination. And though it has many stumbling blocks along the way, and may go in more than one direction, it is travelled by belief and courage and conquered with a willingness to face challenges and take chances" Barbara Cage