Holiday and exercise - what could be better. Is it challenging to be able to find the time and inclination to get out and about - YES. I am not a creature of comfort but I do sometimes find it a bit daunting to get out on my own in a strange place. But yesterday's run was just awesome.
You see, we have headed up to the town of Port Macquarie. This place holds special significance as it is the town of my impending first ever 70.3. My darling hubby thought it would be a good idea to go visit the place that I would be racing in to see what it is exactly I would be getting myself into. And I am so glad he did. In all my years of swimming comps - I always felt better and did better when I knew the area. It was almost a sense of kinship that I felt in the areas that I had been at before.
As I headed off for my run with no real idea of where I was going other than following the coastal road, I started imagining what it was going to be like on the day. How would I feel, what words would I be saying to myself when I felt tired, where would my family be positioned, who would I see whilst out on my journey. Thinking about all these things made my run feel really real. Nobody I passed knew the thought's going through my head or the fact that I had such a huge goal to get to - but their smiles made me feel good nonetheless, and I used their energy to continue with my run at quite a tolerable pace.
Upon returning home I saw this gorgeous flower near the apartment units.